Month: May 2019

That moment! I had a few “moments” this year as a stay-at-home dad! I’ve loved my time with the kids but missed the ministry moments of the classroom and the last week of school. I would always write notes of encouragement to my students, reminding them how much they had grown throughout the year and […]

Jesus said, “Come unto me…” Too often we run to others for comfort instead of the One who can truly give us rest. “Labor” are the burdens we take upon ourselves, and “heavy laden” implies the burdens others put upon us. Either can be burdensome and steal your joy, peace, and health! It’s time to […]

Being a grandparent is one of the world’s greatest joys! My mother would always say, “If I had known the joy the grandchildren were, I would’ve had them first!” As I enjoyed the afternoon at The McWane Science Center, I noticed an elderly man walking by holding the hand of a young boy. I thought […]

As life often throws us curveballs, we begin to question everything we once thought was a sure thing. We have to remind ourselves that life continues on and we have to keep our focus on the one who will truly be the only constant we can count on. We have to remind ourselves that we […]

I remember as a young man hearing instruction about the “do’s and dont’s” of life. Oftentimes I would take what was said with a grain of salt. I knew that what I witnessed told the true story. As a father, my job is to live out the values I want instilled in my children. My […]

On this Mother’s Day I wish my dad a happy 85th birthday and honor my mother in heaven! She was the most selfless person I’ve ever known. A mother to my siblings and myself and a mother to the motherless without hesitation. As a “foster” mom she never thought of herself before those less fortunate […]

A silversmith works diligently to refine silver by removing it’s impurities. This is done by holding the silver over the middle of the fire where it can heat up to a level that the undesired ingredients would rise to the top. He then skims the impurities away and reheats the silver again. This process continues […]

It is my job to share biblical truths and values to my children and my children’s children!  Integrity, honesty, and character are just a few of the things I need to transfer to them. These are more often “caught” than taught! “The generations shall herein unite: together they shall make up an extraordinary history. Each […]

I pray daily for my children to walk in freedom!  It’s important!   It is proven in life after life, in both the positive and the negative: Obedience and the pursuit of God’s word and wisdom leads to liberty. Disobedience, rejection of God’s word, and reliance upon one’s own wisdom leads to bondage. #MyBEHBaby #LetsAskDAD

Being called dad, daddy, deddy, diddy, da da, BP, or any other name attributing my place in my children’s lives has been some of my greatest honors ever!  My quiver has truly been filled with some of the greatest arrows in the world! I will always rise to my calling of this honor with integrity […]