Two too soon!


Life really does move along too fast.  I know that it is easy to desire that time slow down, but we are given a specific amount of time and it is our task to manage it to the best of our ability.  Each year, each day, each hour, minute, and second is distributed to us to use as we see fit.  Hopefully we prayerfully choose how to utilize the time so that it’s effect is maximized.  Too much of our time is often wasted on useless activities.  Activities we choose to spend our time on can often be with good intentions, but somehow consume our lives and often distract us from what is truly important.

Hudson somehow has turned two years old and although I knew it was approaching, it still snuck up on me and caught me by surprise.  Two years ago today we were enjoying this evening with this new gift of life in our arms and thinking about how much life was changing.  Having several older children who have become self sufficient in their own ways only serves to remind us how dependent a newborn child truly is on it’s parents.  Long gone were the days of tying shoes, constant feedings, and having to basically sustain life of these older children.  And then….Then comes this new life that needs nourishment every couple of hours, has to be monitored constantly to make sure the dangers of the world don’t sneak in and harm their innocence, and all hygienic needs have to be tended to with great diligence to avoid rashes and mysterious skin conditions.

During the last year alone, several siblings and loved ones have moved out of the house and left a void in Hudson’s day to day life.  Dawson moved to his mother’s house in order to be closer to work, Brianna got married and moved an hour away, and Jessica has moved to Tennessee to serve on their worship team.  All three played an important role in Hudson’s life and were instrumental in making sure his feet barely touched the ground when they arrived home each day.  Don’t get me wrong, Hudson is still spoiled by Cierra and Easton that almost worship him daily.  He doesn’t lack in people continually investing in his life every day but it has been an adjustment just the same.

So how did we celebrate this special day with Hudson?  We started off at the doctors office taking care of his two year old shots.  We then went to Dreamland BBQ for some ribs and homemade chips only to realize we had forgotten our wallet at the house.  That was an awkward moment but still a memory maker.  We then went to “Let’s Play,” an indoor play center for little kids, and finally home to assemble the new trike just in time for nightfall to arrive.  Don’t worry, we went outside and rode in the dark before it was too late.

Two too soon?  Yes!  It has come upon us too quickly.  I know not to blink or waste a single moment because three is soon to follow.  I know, I’ve experienced it before!  My desire is to always remember that each moment is to be savored and spent wisely.  There is never a way to stall time and I don’t know that I would if I could.   Therefore, I’m reminded that when it comes to our loved ones, time invested will bring great rewards in the long run IF we make the most of every moment.

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About Let's Ask Dad

I'm just a common man with sometimes uncommon thoughts. I strive to be the encourager, the mentor, and a coach to those who feel like giving up. I have been blessed with a quiver full of children and have gained much wisdom in the process of raising them.